Martin Luzèges

Martin Luzèges

Martin Luzèges

Martin Luzèges's videos on Bolatino
Martin Luzèges have played in 1 gay videos on and 1 videos on our other websites

Valentin Mars attends the filming of young couple Martin and Javier... For Martin and Javier, it began like a dream: Spermoboy came to their home to film them directly in their bedroom... The overexcited young couple couldn't all night - a dream come true at last. The icing on the cake was the arrival of a prestigious assistant, Valentin Mars himself. The star had been itching to play assistant... And here our young couple were, fucking each other in front of our cameras and the star to boot. Unleashed they were... The scene will be released in the next film... We'll have to wait a little... but... But we know Valentin, and who'd have imagined he'd be content to hold the lights would be truly naive. With Javier's last ejaculate in his mouth, and Martin still dripping with juices... Valentin approaches... grabs him and pokes him right in the face with his guy's juices... wow. Turned every which way, fucked out of every hole, treated like the worst of whores, Martin struggles to keep up... out of breath, fucked again, ass dripping with jute. Then Valentin abandons his and goes to have a chat with the active one, January... just in case...

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