Lets call Sebastian our Punisher. Davos learned the hard fucking way that you never take a nice smile for granted, even more when it comes from a pretty face. Davos got fuck face by Sebastian, then his ass got hammer by Sebastian steamy cock. Davos had no escape from that hook shape cock. Sebastian made himself clear who the PAPI is and what he wants, FUCKING ACTION. Davos did what anyone has to do under a fucking situation like this; play nice and follow the game. Cause boy, either you play it or not, you are gonna end up FUCKED UP. So Davos bended his knee and kiss the kings cock.
When filming Sebastian, Freddie Mercury was on my mind. Who wants to live forever, yes. I would like to live forever with this god. Dad of one, husband of one and lover of who knows how many. Sebastian is bisexual. Works as sales associate at a local cellphone store. Met him there. His olive skin scream to be devour, his cock beg to be suck and his ass , oh my fucking god, that ass is to die for. Sebastian take us to his realm where we are just mere spectators of a fairy tale so close and a god so far. He is a kind of magic!